What are you "wait-listed" for???

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Jan 16, 2007
So, what is everyone "wait-listed" for????? I called my SA today to add the 2 denim wallets and the Valentine Pastilles on top of my "growing" wait-list.

This is what my list looks like so far:
1) MC Heart Purse
2) Pomme D'amour Heart Purse
3) Perle Heart Purse
4) Red and White Valentine Pastilles Keychains
5) Denim Zippy wallet
6) Denim Mini-Zippy Wallet
7) Dentelle Lace Pouchette
8) Dentelle Lace Large Wallet
9) Dentelle Lace Small Wallet

SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wtf:
WOW! That's some list.....
i only put myself down for the envelope pouch in pomme d' amour, but SA thinks I'll also want it in framboise. she also thinks i need the MC heart coin purse, not so sure myself, we'll see....:graucho:
I will get as many as I can. :nuts: The good thing about the list is that the Valentines stuff will be out in another week, the dentelle stuff is due out by the end of February and the denim wallets are due out by April (Per my SA) which means I have time in between to "recoup" funds for the next round!!! :idea:
I'd already on the waitlist for Vernis Heart Cles & Vernis telephone strap in Framboise and plan to be on the waitlist for the Dentelle BH.

Anyway, do you know that the Mono Dentelle will be up on eLux website or waitlist only??
I love to see waitlists like that!!

1. The pink vernis heart
2. The dentelle batignolles horizontal
3. The hole-wedge shoes
4. The white epi noe and soufflout (need to decide which one)
5. The LVoe tee
6. The beige quilted hobo bag
The pomme d 'amour heart coin purse and the LVOE satin tote in violet.
Also want the envelope plate in framboise.:drool:
Can't wait to see pics of your stuff when you get it.:nuts: