We've Missed You, YEAH RIGHT!!!

No, HH is telling me that retraining is in progress.

It's my idea to take it up with the cc company. With the screen shot you can document the terms of the "gift certificate."

If the 25% off promotion isn't working with the gift certificate, there is clearly an error on HH's part. They are overcharging consumers who relied on the truthfulness of the website description.

The gift certificate says ANY AND ALL...promotions.
Here's what she said:

"Is it true that you lose the 25% discount if you also use this "gift certificate"? It says that the gift certificate can be combined with "any and all" special offers."

Hopefully this will warn any potential buyers.
They let me use the $200 gift code but refused to let me use my 25% off code, even though there clearly are NO restrictions & I was told by CS on the phone that it could be used. They said they apologize but it cannot be used with THIS particular promotion.

Aubrey, maybe you should post a comment on the HH website.