We saw a BOBCAT in our backyard

Ok, I am laughing so hard I'm crying right now. :lol:

My husband is a smoker but he is banned to the outside. So anyway he was a bit rattled by this bobcat thing so he was just outside smoking.. and he then came inside and says, "I just saw a garter snake out there and it kinda freaked me out..." :P I have seen this garter snake out there when I'm gardening and he does not bother me at all. He's checked me out a couple times and then went on his way...

So then I'm sitting here just about to post about this harmless snake and my scared-y husband, when a huge DEER walks up to the window in my office and just LOOKS AT ME. This deer has been in our yard before and we've named him Jimi (for Jimi Hendrix..) :upsidedown: I yelled at my husband to get his camera... and after we took some pics, he says, "Maybe we should have stayed in the city..." (TOO LATE NOW, BUDDY!) :roflmfao:

Next thing we'll see is a BEAR... :P

(and yes, we have them around here...)

We got pics of the deer, I'll post 'em soon


WHAT A MORNING!! :roflmfao:
lol been there done that! :biggrin:

I've lived in the middle of the country (nowheres) for my entire life; in the middle of the night you hear them screaming/screeching, whatever they do, in your yard and in the woods beside. Seeing one behind a bush in my front yard when I was about 30 feet away was the worst one though. As sadly country as it sounds, if my Dad heard them too close to the house, he'd stand in the yard and fire off one or two rounds in the air to scare them off (we had cattle at one point to protect)
Mornin' Roo!! Wow, sure sounds like it's really common where you guys are living now, eh??? I'd be both freaked but also fascinated too.

And yeah, I've had a black bear encounter, but actually on the WA coast on a bike ride...

Happy 4th!
Ok, here are some pics... Mr Roo and I have decided that since we have Jimi Hendrix, and Now "BOB" Dylan... all that is missing is one of the Beatles... LOL



Is someone building an ark in your HOA?

Mornin' Roo!! Wow, sure sounds like it's really common where you guys are living now, eh??? I'd be both freaked but also fascinated too.

And yeah, I've had a black bear encounter, but actually on the WA coast on a bike ride...

Happy 4th!

The ark thing cracks me up. We have a HOA meeting on Thursday, I think I'll go and ask :P

Happy 4th to you PG- and yes, wildlife is a way of life around these parts...

As sadly country as it sounds, if my Dad heard them too close to the house, he'd stand in the yard and fire off one or two rounds in the air to scare them off (we had cattle at one point to protect)

It is legal to shoot these animals where we are too, and to be quite honest I'd be tempted to fire a warning shot if we see this thing so close to our house again.... that is a bit too close for comfort for me... and I am an animal lover...!
The deer is beautiful, as I'm sure the bobcat is as well.

The further we encroach on their habitat, the more of them we'll see in "our" backyards. Very sad.

Yep, this is true. The development we live in is 35 years old, but there are places being built around us and I'm sure that is not helping...
Thank you for not harming them. I know there can be safety issues, however, especially with pets and little ones.

<start rant>
One of my hot buttons is when we we blame wildlife for things that, frankly, result from our (the collective human race "our") own actions.
<end rant> :oh:

:back2topic: :smile:
<start rant>
One of my hot buttons is when we we blame wildlife for things that, frankly, result from our (the collective human race "our") own actions.
<end rant> :oh:

Lol, yeah I'm afraid that when a large cat in the middle of nowhere (literally, it has been that way for more than 60 years now) decides to attack and successfully kill 12 of the farm animals (specifically, goats), that cat will be deservingly shot. I don't think letting "nature take its course" is meant for watching an animal rip the throats out of animal after small animal enclosed in 8 acres. Watch that firsthand, and say oh no don't shoot the giant kitty taking out my herd of pets. Or when a pack of 8 wild (formerly domestic, from the looks of it) dogs attack and kill 20+ goats in one sitting, right in front of you.
I live in a large city in Canada and a few years ago this guy heard his dog, who was outside, barking continually so he went to see what she was barking at and there was a mountain lion (cougar) in his tree, right here in the city. EEK!!

Fish and wildlife came and tranquilized it and took it away.
Thank you for not harming them. I know there can be safety issues, however, especially with pets and little ones.

Actually the coyotes are more of a problem. They have become aggressive recently and have even gone after children on the playground at a nearby school. It's pretty strange.