Was Angelina Being A Total Ice Queen Last Night ?

I think she was fine. I mean she is there as the support since he was the nominee. She smiled, was polite, didn't roll her eyes....I think it was a perfectly fine interview.
I think she behaved appropriately. She did look a little uncomfortable whenever the interviewer asked her questions. I think I would react the same way if I had been in the spotlight for years and was tired of interviewers trying to pry into my personal life.
I think she learned the hard way that no matter what she says gets twisted the wrong way. I really don't see a big deal about her being "icy". So she didn't want to answer Seacrest's cheesy questions? Who can blame her?!:shrugs:
A blob? :confused1:

I think her "wall" is justified. Imagine if she was friendly and nice! They would never leave them alone! She looked great as always.

Everyone wants to know everything about them and it seems like they have to try very, very hard to live a normal life. I admire that.

It seems like she was trying to be considerate of Brad and making it his night, not theirs.
I didn't find that her behavior was offensive or anything like that and maybe she was in fact just letting Brad shine although I don't think that was entirely the case because she did seem kind of uncomfortable and I don't think she particularly cares for Ryan Seacrest (who would after all?). But overall she kept her composure and she did look beautiful!
Look how unforgiving she is with her own father! and he wants so badly to be part of her life and his grandchildren's lives. She holds a grudge, that's for sure.

She may have a perfectly good reason to hold that grudge. I have been in a quite similar position, and just because someone puts on a front that they want to be part of things does not mean they are a good person or a safe person to be around or raise children around.

It seems to me that they were interviewing Brad and kept expecting that she would "jump in" to fill in the gaps but she was just off on the timing. And with everyone bashing her the whole time who can blame her for not wanting to talk about her family life? She probably wanted to be at home with her kids.