This rule is intended to keep people who may 'disappear' from tPF from signing up and then not showing back up. It has happened in past RAOK's. Also, please note that you and I joined tPF only a month apart (and Candace joined 3 months after me!) and there's a distinct difference in our post #'s. I point this out because a lot of us are very, very active here and have made friends here. Others use tPF as an authentication tool and are random users. The RAOK is a lot of fun...but requires time and effort and some dedication to the forum. The BEST part of the RAOK is watching the gals post pics of their stuff and seeing how excited they are!!! The WORST part is finding out someone has been abandoned.
Please don't be disappointed....I'm not saying you, personally, would be one of the 'absent' buddies....but by using this guideline we significantly reduce the amount of work the RAOK Angels have to do!
I'm not freaking. Just a little bummed. Plus, if I really wanted to I could "Congratulate" 200 people on their new purchases within a couple of days and bump my post count! :devil:. Don't worry, I won't really do that. It's just my silly sense of humor.