Vent: Referring to your bag as a "her"???

It's silly that people think it's so out of the ordinary. Many other languages have a masculine or feminine label for all of their nouns. Also, many people consider it rude if you don't call a ship "her". It's completely the norm for one to have a name and it's always a "she".

I sometimes refer to my bags as a she and sometimes as an it. I use the Coach names and haven't come up with any nicknames, but i think it's a really cute idea to do so.
first of all, i'm assuming you recently met this woman? I don't know about you but I don't put a lot of stock in rude/snide comments from someone that I just met :smile:
It must've been an awkward dinner afterwards!
Ok, that girl was not really polite. That said, I call my bags her and name them, my friends have heard me do this and just laugh (but nicely) and my kids know the bags names (the actual name though, I am not very original, Ali is just Ali). BTW my Mom calls her LV "Louis" and keeps it in a spare room called "The Louis room" ;).
I'd think you were weird. lol. I refer to my bags as "her" if I'm being sweet online - but I'd never call my bag a "her" or "she" out loud...ever. I'd say "could you put my bag over there".
When I read the title of this post, I thought crap, don't read it, she is going to rip on girls who refer to their bags as her or by name! So I was glad to see the opposite! I think I posted twice in the last 5 minutes referring to my Ali by name and as her! I love my coach bags and they are my ladies. Don't let anyone make you feel silly about it and don't feel like you have to justify to some girl who doesn't understand just how lovely these handbags are.
Your bf's response was super cute. And yours was funny!
i don't normally call any of my bags names or by gender, it's just my purse to everyone and myself, but, I do call my carly Carly lol. Everyone thinks I'm nuts but, thats ok! And, I downright REFUSE to put my bag on the floor of the movie theater. It's gotten to the point where when I pull out the plastic bag inside of it to put it in for the 2+ hours we will be sitting there everyone groans! So, I can def. feel your pain at dinner!!!