TwitterSaturday a bomb?

Here's the latest tweet I've received (from the Dalai Lama, no less):


There should be a balance between material and spiritual progress, a balance achieved through the principles based on love and compassion.

I'm on a ban until mid-April, so I'm trying to resist the sale. :P
^ heh! u got my chuckle. :biggrin:

there was a twittersaturday sale?? how the heck would i know about it if i don't twitter? okay, well, i DO have a twitter acct but i hardly ever use it. :/ i'm on FB mostly. i wonder if the pope twitters too. kehkehkehkeh! :P
I only use twitter to follow certain stores/websites. It's less tempting for me than if I get tons of emails, for some reason. So I've unsubscribed from most retail mailing lists, and I just follow the few I want on twitter. I don't use it for social stuff, though.