Trunk Show in Palo Alto

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Dec 15, 2006
Did anyone go to the trunk show in Palo Alto today?? I was looking forward to it ... but i have to work all 3 days :crybaby: .. Maybe it'll make me feel better if I get to hear about your guys' experience!
hey fancy, dont worry u didnt miss anything, there was a mixup and they could not show the bags today, although I heard some people who went in the morning were able to see all the bags. oh well...

why dont u go to the NM SF trunk show, about 40min- 1hr closer to u right?
I was there at 1130am and was not able to see the bags. I did go through the book and was able to list for bags. I am in soooo much trouble! The trunk show is tomorrow and Wednesday also.
Wow, I wouldve been disappointed driving two hours away and no purses! Tell me all about the goodies when you guys go! I will most likely be going to the trunk show in SF .. I believe its February 22 and 23rd? Right around my birthday ..... :yes:
I went today and put my name down for the navy patent luxury bowler, the new closure tote that looks like the ultimate soft, and the rock and chain, which they didn't have a sample of but i'd like to see.
Went to the SF Neiman's show today and there were a few nice bags I would love to have!

But I only put my name on the list for the Black Jumbo Classic Lambskin Flap with the new chain shoulder straps - WOOHOO!!! Retail is $1950