Trunk show attendee' the ivory epi there?

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Choose to be happy
Sep 19, 2006
Just read Karman's post and her SA thinks the new epi is bright white...but my SAs were adamant it is off white, similar to the suhali white...thus the name ivory, not blanc....wondering of anyone has actually seen it?

Just read Karman's post and her SA thinks the new epi is bright white...but my SAs were adamant it is off white, similar to the suhali white...thus the name ivory, not blanc....wondering of anyone has actually seen it?


When I saw it, it reminded me of the Suhali white color. I think it's nice it also has silver hardware.
That's too bad it's actually off-white.
The manager did say that due to the lighting, he saw bright white...but it could've been a little off. Oh well! We shall see when this actually comes out!!