I'm taking this new baby with me to New Orleans, LA and Tucson, AZ in early Feb. I will be prancing around town so somebody better spot me I fully expect to see a posting in the "Was that you..." thread
Oh charlie the work is TDF - I have a truffle city too and let me tell you you're going to be complimented on the colour every time you step out of the door!!!
Very happy for you girlycharlie. I love that color, and I'm a total fan of the part time. Haven't decided on the color I want it in, but seeing yours gives me hope.
Thanks all You wouldn't believe how much junk I have in it... I've got to downsize. I mean, do I really need to tote around a bottle of Advil, 2 waters, umbralla, 2 make-up bags and my address book Geez