TPF friend question...

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Feb 1, 2006
Have any of you developed a friendship with other pfer's and actually talk to them on a normal basis??? (okay...besides I have a few ladies I pm with) but only one that I talk to on the phone on a semi regular basis. with all the what about you?
I got really tight with a Pfer since this summer and we PM, IM, and email each other on a daily basis. :nuts: We talk about bags bags bags and about our life in general. She's like my secret lesbian lover! :graucho:
i have... well ive met a few pfers.. im super close to one of them..

and a couple of others we PM all the time and keep eachother up to date.. its great
Yup..There are a few that I enjoy chatting with...THere are also many pf'rs that I feel like I have come to know..but never pm'd...Just b/c they post a lot and I respond to them etc....Also many here that when I see that they have posted..I look forward to reading them b/c I like their "style"..or I know they are funny..etc....I just love it here!!! :heart: Emmy
Yes, there are 2 PF'ers that I PM with on a regular basis just to shoot the breeze. If one of them wasn't computer challenged so badly, I would IM with her on Yahoo messenger or something the way I do with the other one, but, alas, she is still in the dark ages about these things. LOL
I went to the NYC get-together with Megs and Vlad and met some wonderful tPF members there. I've also bumped into a few tPF members in the Hermes store in NYC a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't really PMed anyone on a regular basis or had telephone conversations.
There are a few people I PM with on a regular basis. I IM people on occasion, but no phone calls. One day I'm sure we'll meet, but we all live so far away from each other so it will require planning if that happens.