Tokidoki Paradiso - where can I find one?

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Aug 11, 2006

To all Tokidoki fans, do you know where I can find a Tokidoki Paradiso? I tried Macy's and Nordies but I could not find the print. Only Bloomingdales but they still have it at regular price.

May be I should say that I am looking for a Paradiso bag on sale.

I'm not sure if they're on sale yet. I saw them at Macy's today, but they were regular price. I heard that the factory stores should be getting them sometime soon. You can call them if you don't live by one and they'll send it to you.
I saw some at my local Macy's a few days ago, there was not much left. But they were still at retail. You can always wait for one of the sales that they have to see if it gets marked down.