Thread Was Deleted as Duplicate


Mar 5, 2013

One of the threads I started was deleted due to it being a "duplicate". Based on my possibly limited understanding of the word "duplicate", my understanding is this was not since a duplicate would indicate exact same content.

a. Title was different
b. Text of first post was different
c. Majority of pictures inside first post were different

Now if your definition would not fall under the above, I suppose I could respect that. In my world, duplicate means exactly the same (blasted IT definitions).

So what is the point of this? Either do not use the word duplicate, or refine your definition to make it more precise.

As you can imagine, this little action did put a damper on my Mother's Day as my lovely DH and daughter even went through the trouble of taking additional pictures with and for me.

Thank you.
Additionally, I did not find the duplicate post item in the rules. Not that it matters so much I suppose - but if you would be referencing rules as to the reason why a thread was deleted, it would be nice if it was actually in the rules.

All just honest feedback from a marginally dismayed member.

Thank you.

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Our policy is to not allow duplicates. Duplicates can be a duplicated a number of ways. . .
-exact same topic copy and pasted in more than one place
-same topic, different verbiage, but obviously the same topic

We don't allow them because, for example, if 5 people post a thread about, say, a black Boy Chanel and they all ask basically if we like them, then we have the same basic topic over and over.

When one member does it people feel sort of "spammed" for lack of better term.

I saw your threads, they were both about the exact same reveal of a snake Prada bag. There would be no real reason to post a thread revealing the same bag twice. KWIM?


Our policy is to not allow duplicates. Duplicates can be a duplicated a number of ways. . .
-exact same topic copy and pasted in more than one place
-same topic, different verbiage, but obviously the same topic

We don't allow them because, for example, if 5 people post a thread about, say, a black Boy Chanel and they all ask basically if we like them, then we have the same basic topic over and over.

When one member does it people feel sort of "spammed" for lack of better term.

I saw your threads, they were both about the exact same reveal of a snake Prada bag. There would be no real reason to post a thread revealing the same bag twice. KWIM?


I can see your point, though to share, my main intent though was different for the two as one was in the Prada subforum upon purchase, and the other was to share it as a Mother's Day gift with a bigger audience and yes, different pictures and different text altogether - so it may be the same bag, but strictly speaking it would not be defined as a duplicate. I see people posting the same bag in their In Action and What You are Wearing Today pics across the board - also, people do a reveal in a subforum but still post pics in the Recent Purchases thread. If you now refine your definition then much better, and do share that to a broader audience - the definition refinement may have been addressed by your response above. However, it does not address the second item I pointed out - where is it exactly in the current rules list, this entire duplicate post item?

The thread deletion is moot at this point since it's done. My point now would be that it would be good if you would perform an action and reference something, that it's actually there. You might want to ensure your rules list is always updated and has the rule/s you reference at the time you reference them.

The point of me posting feedback was not necessarily to bemoan the actual deletion - it was the lack of concrete reference for such action, since as I mentioned, when I checked your rules list, I did not even see it there. Next was the definition ambiguity (which you may have now addressed).
