Those cute little animal coinpurses...

Haute Couturess

Black CDC Kelly pls!
Feb 26, 2007
I'm aching to buy one of those little coinpurses....but eegads the prices! Almost a thousand dollars for a coinpurse? But the little crocodile turtle is so cute! and the horsey one - I really want that one. If you have an H animal coinpurse, can you please post it here and tell me how much you love it and that it's totally worth spending so much $$? Or if there is a thread on this already, somebody please point me to it. I'm having cute coinpurse withdrawal! :nuts:

I loooove them! Completely unnecessary, too expensive, unpractical... But just so SWEET and collectible! No brains to explain why they're so nice, it's pure madness. Ok, I love animals so maybe that's a reason I find these so pretty.




I like the other little coin purses too, here my hazelnut and melon (?):


Oh I just love the mouse/rat one! Is that still available? And how much is it? Do you actually use it or is it just sittin in it's box? (I have a lot of small leather designer goods sitting in their box...:shame:smile:
I adore these coin purses, but if I did get one, I'd consider it a "folly" purchase. Some of them really don't hold that much, and a few have leathers that are more delicate than others. Yes, I also cringe at the prices. They were a little over $500 in 2002 so they've gone up dramatically in price.

The pig is my personal favorite, but I believe that one is pretty much long gone.