Thinking about going blonde....should I do it? *pics*

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My next hair appointment isn't for 8 weeks...I was just there to get my roots and highlights done. I have this stronge urge to make a radical change, though...I've never really liked my natural hair color...medium brown with red undertones...with my pale pinkish skin, I just look blah. I've tried various shades of red lately, but just started considering blonde...a cooler blonde shade seems more suited to my skin tone. (I think the golden blondes either clash with my skin tone or make me look too red). I know it's a big change and a lot of upkeep, but hey, I'm pretty high maintenance anyway :P ...what's another appointment, right?

Hubby thinks I'm going through a midlife crisis...I just turned 40 in September, so perhaps I am.
Anyway, here are a few shades I came up with...what do you ladies think? Could I pull it off as a blonde? Any suggestions/tips?



I like the first pic the best - you can definitely pull off that color. I personally think low lights help blond look more natural. I say go for it:yes:. I recently went from mousey medium brown w/ red highlights to very very dark brown and I've never gotten so many compliments in my life - sometimes we just need to be brave and mix it up. Good luck!
I also like the first best, It also looks like what I'm looking for! Your coloring sounds almost like mine. I was very blond and ended up going darker and husband hates it. And I also get reddish when I go darker. Good luck, I love the style too.
I'm exactly like you.. My natural hair color is med. brown w/ reddish undertones. When I was younger, I loved it as it had more red. As I've gotten older, it's gotten a little darker & more blah. A few years ago, I started getting blond highlights & gradually went lighter & blonder each time. I also have a fair pink skintone & blond defintely looks better on me! Although I really have the urge to go red sometime in the future, ala julianne moore..
I think that you should lighten the base colour to a lighter brown, and get very thin stripes of honey-blonde highlights...I never really liked the whole chunky blonde highlight on brown base kinda hair.. but to each his own...