They sent me an older Longchamp msh lp


Apr 6, 2019
I ended up ordering two black medium short handle LP and was only planning on keeping one, however one of the ones they sent is from before 2021 or around then because it has no large inside pocket. I have posted photos of both. So I have run into a dilemma- and i am so hoping some of you can relate - but I am unsure which to keep - basically a fashion over function.

Breakdown of the issue:

Older LP:

- made in France ;)
- darker black
- more Elegant darker leather with smaller triangles
- looks like the one I loved on the model in the attached photo

- no inner pocket

New Lp:
- made in China and not tsnqsia as I find those tend to be not as good quality.
- POCKET!!! For cel phone easy access
- still a nice dark bag,
- leather is not as nice
- handles being larger triangles on the short handle to me makes the bag look more luggage like than purse like
- is not the one in the photo (I know....sigh - silly reason)
- not as feminine or dark

Please help me! I have to decide in the next two weeks and I can’t afford both so very much appreciated your lovely lady expertise. Tell me what you like and what you prefer and why! I would love pics too :smile:





Nothing wrong with that ! Thanks for sharing. I don’t have any screen protector on my phone so I think that wouldn’t be an option otherwise I would totally!! I presume you have one on there. I was thinking if there was some way to Velcro a pouch to it but then that alters it and I don’t like that. Maybe I should throw a ziplock bag in there. I also tried a iPad cover that opens on its side and is a bit firm but it’s just making the bag heavier which I don’t like
I actually just toss my phone in and fish it out of my bag when I need it — I guess that’s not ideal and not the most organized way to do it!
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I don’t know why this simple idea of using a bright colour completely evaded me until this point at which you mentioned such a gem!!! I am going to see what I can find in a neon colour.