The monsters have arrived..

Ok I give up, I officially lose...

I get home at 12.30am after work to open the door only for a cat to escape past me. Im so used to this by now I dont even go into panic mode, I simply shut the other one in the lounge and go out to find the other. Very easy to pick her up and bring her back in, doors locked, all fine.

So then I go and do the litter tray and the minute I have finished both cats have to go in it...twice...make that 3 times for one cat...I am a tad puzzled...

Her behaviour has been a bit odd lately, shes been very vocal, very attentive and just a bit restless, trying to escape at every given opportunity (apart from when she is allowed to go out!!!) If I didnt know any better I would say shes almost frisky but they have both been spayed, they even have the funny coloured fur where its been shaved so I am almost certain its been done. Plus I think its a bit late in the year if it was anything like that.

Maybe shes found her feet and is just pushing the boundaries like a naughty toddler :P
Ok I give up, I officially lose...


I get home at 12.30am after work to open the door only for a cat to escape past me. Im so used to this by now I dont even go into panic mode, I simply shut the other one in the lounge and go out to find the other. Very easy to pick her up and bring her back in, doors locked, all fine.

As soon as it gets nice and frosty Miss Twinkle Toes will be quite content to stay indoors---I hope!

So then I go and do the litter tray and the minute I have finished both cats have to go in it...twice...make that 3 times for one cat...I am a tad puzzled...

Cats are fastidious creatures. One lump of poo in the box and mine act like I am trying to poison them. I have two litter boxes and the cats use one for one business and the other for the other business :weird: I have seen them go from one box straight to the other. But if one does seem to be making three visits for what could be accomplished in one I would ask your vet.

Her behaviour has been a bit odd lately, shes been very vocal, very attentive and just a bit restless, trying to escape at every given opportunity (apart from when she is allowed to go out!!!) If I didnt know any better I would say shes almost frisky but they have both been spayed, they even have the funny coloured fur where its been shaved so I am almost certain its been done. Plus I think its a bit late in the year if it was anything like that.

It might take a while for it to get out of her system, so to speak. But if you have any concerns check with your vet.

Maybe shes found her feet and is just pushing the boundaries like a naughty toddler :P

More than likely she is probably wondering why it is taking sooooo long for her silly human to get trained and bent to her will.

It is inevitable

Resistance is futile

You will see
The annoying thing is that when she is allowed outside she umms and ahhs about it for ages whilst I am stood there freezing!!

Lastnight they were exceptionally hyper and didnt settle down until I went to bed. Then one of them tried the "I am abandoned act" and meowed at the door. I refused to give in, I was not letting 2 hyper cats use us as some kind of trampoline!!

Again this morning I finish sweeping up their litter they have kicked everywhere, and the second I do once decides she has to go. I am debating getting a covered litter tray now, the new litter is really lightweight and whilst great at clumping it gets everywhere!!! I do not enioy sweeping the floor 10 times a day, regardless of what the cats think :P

I obviously had forgotten or was too young to experience kitten phase the first time around. Im starting to look forward to these 2 hitting adult hood for an easy life, but I know once that happens I will miss the kitten behaviour. I spend ages with the other 2 attempting to play but they have reached an age where playing just isnt on their list of to do things. I wish I could get the adult cats to mix with these 2 so they could sort them out when they get out of line ;)
Cats tend to be nocturnal so the activity at night isn't surprising. At this age the litter box can also be used as a plaything.......apparently there is nothing like a good old romp through the litter in their world. And if you are denying your kittehs---as well as yourselves I might add , the joyous bonding experience that bounci------er interacting brings to both feline and human, then you are going to be sorry is all I can say. ;)
The annoying thing is that when she is allowed outside she umms and ahhs about it for ages whilst I am stood there freezing!!

I feel your pain!!! When I was younger our family cats did the same thing. We'd stand there at the door and chant "In or out? IN OR OUT???" while they hemmed and hawed and we froze. Of course, we only opened the door because they'd been screaming that they wanted to go out! More often than not, we made the decision for them by gently pushing them outside with our feet :giggles:

:roflmfao: i love it! Bi is my alarm clock. nothing gets between her and her morning snack!
Both cats decided to use our bed and us as entertainment this morning. Jumping all over us and attacking feet!! Its now all peaceful with one cat downstairs and one on the bed with me :biggrin: