My take is I don’t need to be educated that “oh even bangles double the price may still have such flaws, etc.”. That’s not the point. Since you mentioned “seller stated it’s a flawless piece.”, then “ even bangles double the price may still have such flaws” as per his words would contradict that, doesn’t it?No, the seller stated it’s a flawless piece. I think that’s my qualm about this. When I received the bangle and asked him about it, he said it’s a natural cotton or inclusion that’s close to the surface so it couldn’t really be polished out. However small, I feel like it should’ve been disclosed. He then further went to say oh even bangles double the price may still have such flaws, etc. in real life it looks like a dot that’s a different color in the patch.
I cannot stand not truthful seller. Doesn’t matter the product is $1 or multiple zeros after.