The future of Chloe Bags?

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Jan 1, 2006
Is Phobe Philo responsible for the design of the bags from Chloe? If so, does anyone think the bag designs will change with her departure? :suspiciou
She was the 'head' designer but not the accessories designer. She oversaw and approved the accessories but she didn't have the pencil in her hand.

I can't remember the woman's name but the woman who replaced Tom Ford at Gucci was the accessories designer while he was in charge.
Issmom said:
She was the 'head' designer but not the accessories designer. She oversaw and approved the accessories but she didn't have the pencil in her hand.

I can't remember the woman's name but the woman who replaced Tom Ford at Gucci was the accessories designer while he was in charge.

Frida Italianlastname or something like that....ahhhh....why can't i remember?
I thought about that too, I've been eyeing the silverado since the beginning of the new year. Having read the article, somehow made me really really want to get the bag, just incase they do do an overhaul.
Shyloo said:
So the bag styles will likey not change much. Thanks!

You can't really be too sure. First, will the accessories designer stay on with a new head designer? Second, if they do stay on, with the new head designer want to take the overall look in a new direction. Let's be fair here....did anyone buy Chloe handbags when Stella McCartney was in charge? Pleather, anyone?
I too have been thinking about a silverado. And If the lead designer decides to make changes in the line, the accessories will change. And the accessories person ( Frieda Jiannini ?) may not decide to stay on. Its all speculation at this point, but if I want that silverado ,I am thinking that I need to get on it. Has anyone seen the doctor style?
I have the Silverado and love it. I have the Doctor one but the smaller Doctor one (there is a very large doctor one as well). I prefer the smaller doctor it to the original because it is a little bigger and I like big bags. It is the perfect size.