tell me about. . .


Jan 12, 2006
this skull key chain. . . .
is it a keychain I keep reading about?
I have a "thing" for small amounts of skull on my accessories. . .
can y'all post some eye candy for me?

I'm sure you guys think I don't have any Coach but my current keychain is Coach actually:yes:
It's cute and dangly:tender: LOL!!
It was actually a charm (with the little dog leash closure) attatched to it, so you could hook it on various things. It's sold out I believe, but it does pop up on eBay. Here's a pic:


I think you need one!
oh a charm! Even better, then it won't get so tortured!
I love that!
I like the flower and moon as well:yes:
Thanks for showing me a pic.
Ooo! Im a sucker for the watermelon charm.
Ive been eying it for about a couple of months now. ;D

I think you should certainly get the skull, I mean,
They add a lot of pizazz to a bag, really personalize it. ;]