Talking About Fake's..

This spiked my interest, but it seems like you need to pay $5 to enter the community... pathetic tw*ts.

> By joining this fourm and by viewing this page or any other page you
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Actually, judging by the fact that you had access to that forum before and know that it's about fake purses (which isn't really apparent from seeing the registration page), this thread is a little fishy to me.

Also your previous thread:

appears to me like you might be testing our community to see if they can spot your own fakes. Maybe I am paranoid, but I've seen many things on the web and this just screams like matjes filets.
Speaking of matjes filets...


Vlad said:
Actually, judging by the fact that you had access to that forum before and know that it's about fake purses (which isn't really apparent from seeing the registration page), this thread is a little fishy to me.

LMAO, that was my first thought too. I want to clarify... THAT Daisy is not ME Daisy!! eep!