Suggestion on Dark Circles Under Eyes

The red pencil I have is Prestige Lipliner in L 209 Tomango. Shows how observant I was when buying it! I definately got it at CVS over a year ago.

It was a Lancome make-up artist who taught me the trick - she told me I could just pick up any red drug store pencil, as opposed to spending the $ on the Lancome red pencil. Of course, I was already spending money on the Lancome yellow concealer and various other items!

I haven't tried the Hylexin (sorry about the spelling if wrong) - I'll probably try it soon, as I can never leave well enough alone. Not to mention the fact that while the red pencil/yellow concealer trick works, it takes more time than I would like.
I feel like cursing those d**ned under eye cirlces! I used so many creams and concoctions to make them go away, if not fade at least but they just wont go away!:cursing: :crybaby:

I keep roaming from one beaty forum to the next in search for that miraculous recipe to remove those undereye circles. The last forum I got registered is
Its fairly populated and ok to post... maybe you could give it a try! As it goes, the more the merrier!!!!:wlae:
See you there!
Hi, I have just started a blog that writes about things related to dark circles: the cause of dark circles, home remedies, eye creams reviews and make up tips. It would be wonderful if you can drop by to visit my web site my dark circles blog to check out the latest information about dark circles. I hope it helps. Thank you.
I read an article a while back that said if you have fair skin - your dark circles can't really be faded - you have to cover them up - or get surgery to zap the vessels. It said if you had darker or olive skin - then it was caused by something else and a brightening cream might work. That said, I've been using Murad's lighten and brighten (a LITTLE cheaper than Hylexin) and my mom and best friend say they notice its a little better....but I think I'm just concealing it better.
I don't think its possible to totally get rid of them. Mine are an unfortunate family trait! Here's a make-up trick: Put some eye cream under your eye and blend. Take a Red (yes, red) creamy eyeliner pencil and draw a curved line from the inner corner of the bottom of your eye through the center of your dark circles. Then take yellow concealer - Lancome makes a good one - put that over the red line and blend. It sounds crazy, but the red counter-acts the dark undertones from the under-eye circles, and the yellow counter-acts the red. If you need to, you can put regular concealer over that.

Sounds crazy, but it really works. A make-up artist showed me the trick.

I had fun with it by asking my hubby how I looked with the red lines drawn under my eyes before I blended the concealer over it the first time. The look on his face was priceless!

i picked up a cheap lipliner pencil at CVS tonight because i really couldnt wait to try this trick. i got a Prestige Lipliner pencil in "L 210 Amor", i already had a yellow consealer, and a regular colored consealer. I did it step by step just as she said and im so impressed!!!
I have tried the yellow under the regular consealer and it was ok, but not even close to this :smile:
im so happy, i have WICKEDLY dark circles, but no one will be able to tell ever again!! :yahoo:

(and i cant wait to freak the boyfriend out with red lines under my eyes!)
The best I have used so far that has actually shown some sort of reduction has been Jurlique Arnica cream. Don't waste your money on fancy creams as they really won't work.
I tried worked a little but not enough when considering the cost. I have tried everything as well. I cannot stand them. I wonder if any Laser could do the trick as they can get rid of dark veins, sun spots ect. maybe ask your dermatologist. I always always moisturize, try to get enough sleep and try to cut down on my caffeine.
I'm interested in the red line trick.

I have been wondering if that worked...thanks for saving me some $
Hi everyone,

I’m in some kind of dilemma now, and I hope to get some of your advice or suggestion. I started a blog about dark circles under eye about 2 months ago. The purpose of the blog is to gather all the tips that help to reduce dark circles that have been discussed in forums and web sites. I hope those who have dark circles under eye can get not all but most common discussed information about dark circles under one roof.

Topics that have been covered so far are listed as below:
- Natural way to reduce dark circles
=Home remedies

-Make up tips
=How to conceal dark circles
-Eye creams reviews
-Surgery / Non-Surgery
-Some “Why” facts
=E.g. why tea bags help to reduce dark circles
-My experiences with eye creams.

And now although I still have few topics in my mind but I wonder are there any topics that you would like me to cover about dark circles under eye?

Thanks in advance.