Some of you who hang out in the Authenticate This! thread may remember that about three weeks ago, I did something stupid. I was surfing eBay after few glasses of wine, and I came across an Ink City. The pictures showed an authentic bag, with a BIN of $550. I jumped on it and bought it instantly without even really thinking.
Then I realised what I had done. Who would sell an Ink City in good condition for that little? Much drama ensued and some very wonderful PFers helped me find out the backstory on the bag, which had sold twice before to the same deadbeat zero-feedback bidder. I decided to just take a chance and wait for the bag to get here before freaking out.
And today, it did! It's absolutely authentic, beautifully broken in and almost flawless! I love the split tassles, and the only other problem is that the silver tag has fallen off.
I can't even tell you guys how much I Ink! I can't get over how beautiful it is as a blue and then as a purple outside. My pictures aren't great because it's overcast here, but this is one beautiful bag!
And for those of you curious about different blues, I took pictures of all mine clockwise from the left, they are Blue Glacier, Ink, Blueberry, and Cornflower. Now all I need is that elusive French Blue First and I'm a happy camper!
Then I realised what I had done. Who would sell an Ink City in good condition for that little? Much drama ensued and some very wonderful PFers helped me find out the backstory on the bag, which had sold twice before to the same deadbeat zero-feedback bidder. I decided to just take a chance and wait for the bag to get here before freaking out.
And today, it did! It's absolutely authentic, beautifully broken in and almost flawless! I love the split tassles, and the only other problem is that the silver tag has fallen off.
I can't even tell you guys how much I Ink! I can't get over how beautiful it is as a blue and then as a purple outside. My pictures aren't great because it's overcast here, but this is one beautiful bag!
And for those of you curious about different blues, I took pictures of all mine clockwise from the left, they are Blue Glacier, Ink, Blueberry, and Cornflower. Now all I need is that elusive French Blue First and I'm a happy camper!