Speedy?!?! Needing Help with my wishlist

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Nov 12, 2006
Guys Im In Desperate need of help with what to buy and making a wishlist...I decided to sell all my items apart from things i Really really like so I can buy what I Really Want :wlae:
I have never owned a speedy and really fancy one now
I have Owned A Black MC Keepall For 2 Years And I Can Safely Say That was My Best Purchase Ever:yahoo:I Used It For everything ...They Used To Laugh At Me In Bond Street LV For Always Putting My Purchase's In To It!!

I Don't Know What To Get Though I have Never Liked Plain Monogram I Do Like The Pink Perfo Atm :yes:(and every so Often Get A Flutter To THink The Cerises is nice!!)
I Also Like The Neo Pink Denim And Then I Think Why Don't I Get A Black MC Speedy To Match My Keepall

I Also Want A Black Suhali One When they are released:graucho:
And Don't Say Get Them All Haha...I Know I probably will eventually Due to this site:nuts:..But help me choose my first speedy!!!:okay:
How about a Mini Lin Speedy?
