Guys Im In Desperate need of help with what to buy and making a wishlist...I decided to sell all my items apart from things i Really really like so I can buy what I Really Want
I have never owned a speedy and really fancy one now
I have Owned A Black MC Keepall For 2 Years And I Can Safely Say That was My Best Purchase EverI Used It For everything ...They Used To Laugh At Me In Bond Street LV For Always Putting My Purchase's In To It!!
I Don't Know What To Get Though I have Never Liked Plain Monogram I Do Like The Pink Perfo Atm (and every so Often Get A Flutter To THink The Cerises is nice!!)
I Also Like The Neo Pink Denim And Then I Think Why Don't I Get A Black MC Speedy To Match My Keepall
I Also Want A Black Suhali One When they are released
And Don't Say Get Them All Haha...I Know I probably will eventually Due to this site..But help me choose my first speedy!!!:okay:
I have never owned a speedy and really fancy one now
I have Owned A Black MC Keepall For 2 Years And I Can Safely Say That was My Best Purchase EverI Used It For everything ...They Used To Laugh At Me In Bond Street LV For Always Putting My Purchase's In To It!!
I Don't Know What To Get Though I have Never Liked Plain Monogram I Do Like The Pink Perfo Atm (and every so Often Get A Flutter To THink The Cerises is nice!!)
I Also Like The Neo Pink Denim And Then I Think Why Don't I Get A Black MC Speedy To Match My Keepall
I Also Want A Black Suhali One When they are released
And Don't Say Get Them All Haha...I Know I probably will eventually Due to this site..But help me choose my first speedy!!!:okay: