speedy azure

It's 866-Vuitton. They'll help you locate just about any piece you want, as long as it's still available. But if you don't get an azur speedy now, there will definitely be more available in the future. It's a permanent line and there's just a high demand for it since it's so new. Also keep checking eluxury.
I went into the Sydney King Street store last week and the SA told me there is a "worldwide shortage" as they dont have the materials to make the bag. I was so devastated as I intended to buy the bag that day, despite never seeing it in real life
they sold out hella quick!! i called teh sa and he told me that even the bags on displayed were bought, so i have to be on the waitlist.. maybe for like 1 or COUPLE Of weeks?! i d k... diff sa told me diff things. i need to get that bag before christmas!! how long does it usually take to be under the waitlist? <for my mini lin it took only 3 days.. but it was cux there was a big shipment, i doubt azur will have big shipment>