Sometimes wearing LV is a no-win situation..

why on earth would you tell a stranger how much you paid for your bag? personally i think that's no one's buisness but my own.
Thinking back, I rightfully can't say. My mind was trying to process how to tell her it WAS real and also not be rude and decline to reply.

It's also as I mentioned before there is no big-city atmosphere and people are very nice to each other. She was an older person and culturally I've been taught to be respectful to any elders (including batty ones) and answer questions when asked.

I probably would not have been so forthcoming if the woman was a teenager or in her twenties.
Honestly some people shouldn't speak at all ... what happened to manners and common sense? I think you were very gracious to entertain her ... I have less respect for her, being older definitely did not make her more wiser.
I would've lost my temper! What an idiot! Louis Vuitton doesntt make those print bags? You shouldve told her they have been making it for over a hundred years and if you know anything about the brand you would realize that they DO in fact make this print and these bags. Ugh! Sorry if i ranted, lol. I just can't stand these people! Sorry this happend.
wow. class-say! geez, sorry about that encounter. you handled it well. although i do love someone's comment about throwing the question back to them with a "why would you ask that?" remark. that should put them in their place...:yes:
I've come to the conclusion that some people just HAVE/WANT to be negative. It's so weird that I just have to smile at them and continue my blissfull life.
It's great that you didn't give her an earful and exhibited class in an awkward situation!
You were put in a difficult situation, and it sounds as though you handled it gracefully. You showed her more kindess than she offered.

Sometimes we forget that just because someone asks a question, it doesn't mean it deserves an answer.

When someone asks me something awkward, I usually respond, "Wow. Why would you ask that?"

It tends to put the responsibility back on them.

Enjoy your bag and your day!

Actually, this is a really good tactic and have read it in some self help books, when someone is trying to control you and saying terrible things, you just say, excuse me, could you repeat that over and over, until they either get what their doing, or they don't and have an anurism (sp?)... it's supposed to work...:nuts: