So I've been calling around and OMG! GGH and some *new releases*-->

How did you get the SAs to do all that work for you? I've called soooo many places and they've never done all that to help me find one of my HGs.

I'm looking for a VG GGH anything, though that PT would have been awesome, so if you find the City please let me know!
Good Morning/Afternoon tpf'rs! I have some more finds for you. Before PM'ing, would you please ck the thread for updates to see if I've posted something is gone? Thank you!

More Finds:

Truffle GGH City - PM please
Marine GSH PT and City - PM please
I have tried to PM everyone who inquired about these bags. I don't have any more leads on VG or VF, so if you PM'd about those, I probably didn't respond once they were gone since I posted on the thread they were gone.

I do still know of a GSH Amethyst Part Time if anyone is looking for that.

No Marine GGH as requested above (I've PM'd you too) :smile:
only Marine GSH PT and City

I am requesting PM's so registered members who can PM get first shot at these.
Also, don't want to bombard the SA with tons of calls once the bag is gone.

Thanks everyone!