So, I was just thinking........

well, you know how much I love your croc kelly, but I don't think I could sell off all my bags to just have one, because if I did, I'm sure I would again find another that I wanted and the cycle would start all over again. So, if it's the croc you want, then if you had it, which bags would you probably stop carrying completely, then those are the ones to sell off. I hope to someday have a rouge H 30 croc and I have know idea how much it costs or how I'll come up with the cash, but I don't think I could be with just one. I don't think you could either, but just in case, think of me with your havanne croc. (you can borrow her)
Nope...don't think so... How did you do reading Entre Nous??? Am thinking we are just not French...

I read Entre Nous over and over again hoping some of that Frenchness will rub off on me but no go.......I'm Italian. Excess is my middle name.
I was in the same position S'mom sometime ago. I even consulted you via PM. I ended up not letting go of the H bags that I considered selling... Too painful to let go...too much for me!
I did not get my dream bag at that time... I will I know I will without letting go of my current bags.

I'm just curious. How much is a 30cm matte croc Birkin in the store these days? I just have no idea since I never see one............ever.