So I have got to share a sad-ish moment...


Dec 11, 2006
of my day today.

LV called to tell me that they have the Damier Azur Speedy 30 I am waitlisted for in - ready to collect. when I ordered it I told them that I wanted it for July but they said it is better to go on the waitlist straightaway and wait for the second time around.

which is what I had to tell her - probably in August now. just couldn't justify getting it now before my defense/viva..... cause if I mess up there is no pressie to myself.... and, no cash around anyway.

but still.... buhuhuhuhu :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
thanks a lot ladies! oh well, got over it.

actually I am based in Europe, so I wont be able to get anything from US, as the bag will be far more expensive. and yeah, I know it is LE, so you are right, I will get it at some point. anyway, I am a big girl and have plenty of other purse toys, so should get back to my work now..... (:yucky:)