So, how much is in your purse fund right now?

$0.00 just got new car so nothing so far. I have been keeping change in a jar so hopefully that will start something. But I'm close to the items on my 1st wishlist but they dont count!
I was just telling DH tonight I need to go open a purse savings account that is just for miroir lockits. His reply is that I need a job to occupy my time more than a savings account or more bags. lol

I have a TERRIBLE habit of buying whatever then when it comes time for waitlist pieces, my purse allowance is already used and they cant hold it til the next payday of course. lol
If I cant afford to pay cash for it right then, I can't have it, period.

So my answer to this question is zero, but its because I spend my money as soon as I get I've been impulse buying too much lately. I'm going to try to put back enough for two miroir lockits this month tho so I won't have to worry when it comes time.

I hope I can hold out. So I guess I'm on ban. It hurts to even say that! Yuck. lol

I'm going to Vegas just before the lockit releases, so I guess I need to save up lots of purse money for then too.
I answered this thread earlier and indicated that I didn't really have a purse fund, but will try to limit to one bag per month. After some thoughts, I think that having a purse fund makes a lot of sense. It will make me save up to the amount I need to purchase the bag that I really want. So, I started a purse fund yesterday and put in $100. When it hits $2500, I will go shopping again. :idea: