SO Damier Cabas Piano?

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May 24, 2006
i saw a girl with a damier cabas piano last week and i'm in love!! :heart:
i know that there are damier cabas mezzos out there but does anyone have the piano? i love it! i wonder if lv will come out with it like they did with the speedy.
They have been doing it for while for damier line..

May be you should consider Hampstead, it look like BH/BV but in damier pattern.

I've been thinking of special ordering the Cabas Mezzo in Damier - however I haven't seen the Hampstead - and can't find it online do you know where I can see one online? Thanks!
I have one and it is one of my favorite LV bags. I LOVE IT!!!
I know someone who is selling hers and I can't understand why? She waited so long to have it special ordered. I will NEVER even think of getting rid on mine.
thanks, fasionista!! i saw those but they don't really appeal to me that much. maybe i'll change my mind when i see them IRL. lv seems to come out with so much new stuff it's hard to keep up! i remember 10 years ago it took forever for new styles to come out.