sneak peak: cobalt WTM midi with silver

This is the color I imagined it to be......but I'm guessing the silver HW makes it look like a cooler blue than the gold (looks deeper) like ocean blue.

Good Lord! I am loving Cobalt!... so much so that I went ahead and pre-ordered a TMA with gold HW. I hope I don't regret my HW choice. Thanks for posting those pics!!

:yahoo:You finally made your HW decision- I am truly happy for you. I know it was hard to choose between the two. BTW there are no wrong answers- I think both are FAB, they just both add a different vibe IMHO

At first, I was a little torn too, as many ladies here naturally gravitated to the silver. But I just couldn't resist my own feelings and went for the gold, (I loved the depth and warmth that it added). I'm sure that it will be FAB Congrats again:woohoo: