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Aug 13, 2006
Well I never thought the chloe silverado would be on my shopping list; I have the paddy (in aubergine :yes: ) and really wanted the betty as my next bag- until I spotted a silverado (slightly used) on ebay in a beautiful rich colour of brown (i think it's called tabacco) and the leather just looks beautiful :nuts:
Now I cannot wait for it to arrive!!! :drool:

I have noticed that silverados don't appear to be that popular on the forum; so if you have one please could you post a pic or two?

I will as soon as my baby arrives :supacool: xx
Here is my Python Silverado (again, LOL) :heart::love: :


I have to say this is my favorite bag right now. It's so lightweight and the leather is like butter, while the snakeskin is really textured and soft.

Congrats on your new find!!!
congratulations on your new silverado, I bet you are excited for it to arrive.

Its a great size bag, I had it briefly in the silver, but must admit to not using it ;)
here is a piccie for you :smile:

Thanks guys!
I love both of yours - the more I see pics of a silverado the more I fall in love with them; I think they should get more appreciation than they do

I agree! LOVE the silverado. Regret selling mine much that I just bought one last night from Nordstrom's. Should have it here by Tuesday. Can't wait!! I'll post pics when I get it. It's the multi-pocket shopper in black....AlohaRag has one on their website. I had an original medium in choc brown....oh how I miss it!!!!!!!!
Love that Silverado in Silver. I think I kind of want one someday (not sure which kind), but I wonder if it suits a girl who's very classic. Like Marc Jacobs, Coach (some of Coach) and LV (some) are very me. I stretch it with the Paddington, but I just love it so much. (I think I will carry it with more casual outfits, I haven't gotten a chance to take it out yet! Oh no.)

So how could I fit the Silverado in with my wardrobe/look/style/personality? Is there one good for a ladylike gal? (And I hope I can make my Paddy work!!)

N/M the question, I'm going to add a thread.
Here is my Python Silverado (again, LOL) :heart::love: :


I have to say this is my favorite bag right now. It's so lightweight and the leather is like butter, while the snakeskin is really textured and soft.

Congrats on your new find!!!

I just LOVE this bag. I keep hearing that python can't get wet--since I live in Seattle that might be a problem. Does anyone know what happens if it does get wet??
I have the Silverado tote in Olive, I love it, and will never get rid of it. My pic is on my puter upstairs, and I am too lazy to go up there so I will post it tomorrow.
gorgeous!!! I love that color :drool:

interesting note- the whipstitching is very different from the other Silverados posted. Do you know what year yours is from?? Are they done in leather or silk??