should we get the pomme bags now or later?

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Ethan's Mommy

Jan 7, 2007
I love the Houston bag but have never bouht one. i LOOOOVE the pomme color to death. Is it worth buying it in pomme now or later. Being discountinued will that make it so I have to pay more later? I'd love it if I would be able to buy it used for less later

If possible, buy it now. Why wait?

The only reaosn I would wait is because for $1,390 I could get my azur speedy 30 and lost of other things too....with all i'm buying lately i'm trying to tell myself I can't have everything!

Plus, if it sells for less later that would make me VERY happy! I got my cles after it had been discountinued and I got it cheaper than retail and it's still mint:graucho:

tryin to save a dollar...u know how it is!
I would wait a little while ( not too long or you might miss out.) to see if there is something else you want more. I was mad about the framboise colour when it came out and bought a reade pm and a minna street and have never used either of them. I still love the colour though.
such mixed reviews!!!!!

I think i'll give it the good ol 24 hour wait...maybe things will be clearer tomorrow!

I guess I'm heading to the store tomorrow to get my hearts instead of Monday!!!:yahoo: