I prefer LV and do not have a single Gucci item. The Gucci bag on the left though is pretty cute. It looks like it is fabric, is it the waterproof one? I would sleep on it for a few days, the answer might be clearer then. Is there a particular LV bag that you are dying to get? If so then put the money from this Gucci into that LV bag. If not, then just keep the Gucci bag and buy an LV later. Of course, the most important thing is to get the bag that you love. If you have second thoughts or doubts.. you probably don't love it all that much.
I agree...I doubt there will be too many people in this forum telling you to keep the Gucci. I'm not a huge fan of any monograms overall...but I really don't like the Gucci. In the end though, it's ony you that has to be satisfied with the decision. But I'd say get an LV!
I think if you are having doubts, then maybe you should go for LV. I'm a little biased though since I don't own any Gucci or like it that much. You should keep it only if you love it.
If you really like the Gucci, then I would keep it and start saving for an LV. There's no reason you can't have both, you just have to have a bit of patience and let your $$$ build back up, right?
However, if you are just not loving the Gucci and picked it up just because it was on sale, then maybe return/sell it and get the LV.
I find that I get really bored and tired of Gucci quick. LV is more long term. I also only really like the non logo Gucci bags (like the leather ones).
You're obviously a Gucci fan, the tote is practical and there is nothing wrong with having a diversified collection. You can get an LV next time, this was a great deal.