Should I get mace


my little etoupe
May 5, 2006
Ok so my work just relocated its headquarters to a very shady area of the city. Suffice it to say it's ripe with people who are coked out on drugs and other unsavory individuals. I've only been there two weeks but during the first week, our HR rep was in such a state of panic that she ordered several canisters of mace for the ladies in the office. I have no idea if she is just talking out of her arse or these canisters are just taking a slow boat to the office.

In the meantime, I usually see cops every day in groups of three patrolling the area. The men have taken it upon themselves to chaperone the female folk whenever they can - i.e. smoking breaks, lunch time and to and from public transportation. And I make sure that the women leave the office well before night falls.

So with that said, should I wait for the mace to arrive - if it was ordered at all (we're having budget issues) or get my own? My sweet beau was so concerned he considered getting me some until I told him that I think HR took care of this.

No - quitting isn't an option.

In the meantime, I just am 2,00% aware of my surroundings but I have to admit, it would be nice to know that if someone tries to stab me, I can somewhat protect myself. I wish I were kidding. I literally have to force myself to have nerves of steel whenever I leave the office everyday.
Mace is cheap, get it. Only Vermont, Mass and a few other states treat it like a firearm and need licensing.

Walk to your car in pairs, you'll probably be fine.
my hubby bought mace for me a while ago and I carry it with me everywhere its cute and pink, and it gives him a little piece of mind when he's not with me :smile: I think every woman should carry mace no matter where you work/ just never know! Better safe than sorry
Mace or pepper spray?? Pepper spray is legal pretty much anywhere...mace is not.

I went to junior high and high school in a "bad" area. When I first started going, I was worried about my safety. After the first few months, I realized that my prejudices were the fuel for that. I went there for 6 years and the only thing that happened was a stolen car. We'd stop at the McDonalds lots of mornings and hit some of the local places for lunch, hang out in the streets after dances. I guess my point is that it might not be as bad as you're thinking. Or maybe it is, but yeah, if you decide to arm yourself in some way, please make sure you know how to use it properly.
I am so sorry that your job moved to an unsafe area. I would be very upset if I were you. God forbid something happens to one of the employees. It's not like you just can't go to work anymore. I hope things work out and you keep safe. Mace sounds like a good idea, why not I guess. I used to go to dangerous areas for home visits when I worked with child protective services and they gave us a bit of training and showed us movies on how to protect ourselves if anything should happen. The movies made me scared to go anywhere! Ironically, the only thing that ever happened to me was a coworker stole money from my wallet. Good luck to you and be safe.
Mace or pepper spray?? Pepper spray is legal pretty much anywhere...mace is not.

I went to junior high and high school in a "bad" area. When I first started going, I was worried about my safety. After the first few months, I realized that my prejudices were the fuel for that. I went there for 6 years and the only thing that happened was a stolen car. We'd stop at the McDonalds lots of mornings and hit some of the local places for lunch, hang out in the streets after dances. I guess my point is that it might not be as bad as you're thinking. Or maybe it is, but yeah, if you decide to arm yourself in some way, please make sure you know how to use it properly.

Agree with everything here. I believe MACE products include pepper spray, but Mace the weapon is tear gas and not easily obtainable by most people.
I went to grad school in a bad part of a major city, but I found if you walk around like you belong there, people don't bother you.
Of course if pepper spray will make you feel more secure, then go for it.