import fees deposit


May 23, 2011
For those of you who have purchased anything from, from outside of the US - have you chosen the import fees deposit or to pay the fees to the carrier? If not the whole deposit is used for the fees, will I get a partial refund?
Lots of thanks for a much hoped for future answer :smile:
I've ordered from shopbop a few times and thanks for reminding me about the import fees. Noone never told me about it. I live in Europe and next time. I think the best way is to use the deposit version, because when you order again, you still have something on your fee deposit.
Hmm, I am just thinking about to order from
Is it really free delivery to singapore? How much is the tax/customs? Will they send us the receipts? Thanks for this post.
Yes, it's really free delivery to Singapore; I have used them many times. You will only be charged custom tax for orders above S$500. The receipts will be included inside the item. They are really good. Hope this helps!

Hmm, I am just thinking about to order from
Is it really free delivery to singapore? How much is the tax/customs? Will they send us the receipts? Thanks for this post.
Yes, it's really free delivery to Singapore; I have used them many times. You will only be charged custom tax for orders above S$500. The receipts will be included inside the item. They are really good. Hope this helps!

How much the tax for orders above S$500? Do you have calculation method? What about if my friend work in cargo (location in the airport area), will they still charge me for tax as it won't out from the airport area? What if i order more than USD 1000? It must a lot ...:help::help:

Sorry yah for asking you this...just want to know the experience from you