Sephora Shopper Bag!

Yep I got it in store, for me I think I'll keep it in my bags for when it starts raining and they need protecting, not sure what else I will use it for yet but it's cute and a good alternative to samples that I don't like/need.
this is so cute! too bad my beauty bank is currently at zero :sad:

Buy girl, buy!!! ;)

If no one is able to post pics by this evening, I can snap a few shots of mine. It came yesterday.

Sadly, I was hoping it would be bigger! It is nice & thankfully is not stinky plastic!
I didn't forget! I'm just slow :shame:

The first one is compared in size to my AM "I'm Not a Plastic Bag". The middle one shows the how slim the sides are and the last photo is one of the other side of the bag.


