Semi-tame stray cat...what to do?

Westiegirl...thank you! I just googled, and there is one on the island... it's a good hour long drive from where the cat's at now, but hopefully I can take him there!
Junkenpoo, I just want to say that I think it's absolutely wonderful that you are looking out for this kitty. Even though he is a stray, he now depends on that food and he might not make it once everyone leaves. If he allows people to pet him and purrs, he shouldn't be too difficult to catch and transport to the shelter.

Thank you for saving him! :tender:
*whew* So...for the past week, I've been more or less hand-feeding the cat while he sat in a carrier I borrowed from a co-worker....

Today, while he was eating, I closed the carrier on him...took him second to realize he couldn't get out, then he started that sad "myaow, myaOW, myaaaoooowww..." Aw!

Pretty much the whole ride to the shelter.... I felt so bad! He was a friendly dude, and I felt guilty taking him away from his familiar territory and leaving him with strangers.

What happens to the cats that get dropped off at shelters? How do they decide if the animal is "adoptable"... and how long before they let people look at them to adopt?

My mom thinks he's cute, and she kind of hopes he's available when we get back from summer traveling...
Usually it depends on the shelter. Some are deemed unadoptable, others are given a few weeks, then there are the no kill shelters. You could always call the shelter and follow up on him, or perhaps visit and see how he's doing.
Thank you for keeping us up to date!