Sagging of lateral upper eyelid

I don’t see a problem with the edge of your eyes. I think if, as suggested to you, cut skin by your brow line then aside from possible white scars, the distance from your brow to your eyes will be shortened/narrowed. It that’s okay with you ...
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I went to a plastic surgeon in SG about the sagging of the edge of my eyelids. He said he will be able to remove some skin along the double eyelid crease but it won't be obvious.

Hmm... I guess I will just leave it ... until I can go to SK and seek further consultations...
I have a similar question, I want to lift the outer corner of my eyes, and im not sure how blepharoplasty would help. I heard canthoplasty might do that but i've looked into canthoplasty and it seems to simply extend the eyes laterally, not move the outer corners up or down.
I managed to consult another plastic surgeon and he said he can do infrabrow surgery.

Basically, he will remove some skin (upper eyelid) under the eyebrows and then stitched them underneath the eyebrows. It is also called infrabrow lift.

However, the results will be subtle too for my case. He can't remove too much upper eyelid skin for me as my eyelid crease will look weird.

Oh well...