RIP, my Seoulie-Bear - God speed you to green fields

omg...........I am so sorry, my friend, for this loss.....I am in tears for you. I wish I were there to give you warm hugs but just know that he and Jeter are romping together and keeping two sets of eye on you from above.
thanks everyone. i've been trying to be brave and not admit it, but i'm really having a hard time with this. on its own it would have been bad enough, but heaped on top of jeter's illness and death it's just too much.

i'm feeling guilty -- seoul had a colic surgery about 5 years ago, and was prone to gas colics ever since. i had always said that if he had another surgical colic i wouldn't put him through that again and we'd just give him a graceful end. but he was such a tough old man that when it came down to it i couldn't let him go without giving him a fighting chance. he survived the surgery itself, but the anesthesia did something to him neuroligically and he wasn't able to use his legs and get up afterwards. and i just have this image burned into my brain of him struggling to get up and not being able to, and the guilt and the pain are unbearable. i SO wish i had let him go the night before. but i suppose if i had done that i'd be feeling guilty today for not giving him a chance.

i don't know what to do, and i can't stop sobbing. right now i don't know whether prayers ever work, but if you have any to spare i could use them. i wish i were strong enough not to ask. but i'm not. i've never met most of you and never will -- and yet it helps to have your sympathetic words and thoughts.

there's a line in the movie fried green tomatoes -- she's talking about her son who died at 30 and says 'God takes us when he wants us.' i think it might be true.
getting angry helps -- maybe i need more stuff to get pissed about. yesterday i was returing the horse trailer to my friend who had loaned it to us, and his teacher had just arrived and was introduced to us. i walked away to do something after he expressed sympathy and i over heard him actually say to my husband "at least it wasn't a family member."

excuse me? he WAS a family member!! and yes, i'm fully aware that it is tragic to lose the humans in the family, but that really doesn't bear on the current loss. good gad, man - grow a sensitivity meter for heaven's sake! on the other hand, i did stop crying as i waked away cursing like a sailor.
Do not blame yourself!! This is what my mother did when out cat of 15 years (a family member, a person without a pet could not understand) was
diagnosed with womb puss. She did everything she could, staid with the cat for nights, we gave her medicine every 3 hours. She volmited, she wasn´t feeling any better, it was hell. Still to this day (this happened 4 years ago) she blames herself for "trying too hard" or "I can´t believe I put her through that, I should have just let her go". This is what parents do, you were the mama of this horse, you couldn´t let him go without a fight.
DQ, I am so sorry for your loss! My heart goes out to you. Death of a loved one, be it man or beast, is always hard and very personal. Somebody once said with great love comes great pain and i have found that to be true.

i am so sad to think of you crying your eyes out and we can do nothing for you from where we are, but for now i hope you will take some comfort in knowing you were a good horse mommie and he knows you always did what you thought was the best thing for him. (((big cyber hug to you))). even though we have never met, i think you are very dear, and you and seoul and and jeter too will all be in my prayers :heart::heart::heart:
Dearest E, my heart and prayers go out to you. I can't imagine what it must be like to lose a companion you've had for over twenty years. I am so glad though that Seoul wound up with you during the last twenty years as I can't imagine a more loving or caring owner that he could have had. :heart:
DQ, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend Seoul. He sounds like a sweet boy you'll miss very much. What a lucky horse to live out his years with you and your family. Take care.
I'm so sorry Sweetie....and so close to Jeter....I wish I could be there to give you a BIG HUG (I have tears going down my face as I write :crybaby:) But I know you're a strong girl, and DON'T blame yourself for anything, you did your best for him!! Prayers and hugs are at this moment crossing the Atlantic and coming your way!:heart::heart::heart: