I just purchased a Gucci Jackie O # 130779 handbag, and am unsure if it is real or replica. I cannot find any purses that match on the Gucci website. It is a beautiful purse, and looks like quality merchandise. It came with Gucci dustbag and care cards. It states authentityc guaranteed or money back. I paid 375.00 for it and got it from Distinguished Designs, or ddonsale.com. Can anyone help me, so I can get some sleep tonight and stop worrying if I was dup ped again!
I just purchased a Gucci Jackie O # 130779 handbag, and am unsure if it is real or replica. I cannot find any purses that match on the Gucci website. It is a beautiful purse, and looks like quality merchandise. It came with Gucci dustbag and care cards. It states authentityc guaranteed or money back. I paid 375.00 for it and got it from Distinguished Designs, or ddonsale.com. Can anyone help me, so I can get some sleep tonight and stop worrying if I was dup ped again!