Remember when...

And for those who grew up in NY:
Phone numbers in NY used to go by letters that stood for names like CL66774 (would be Cloverdale66774) or DE67036 (would be Dewey)67036 and people would actually give their phone numbers saying Cloverdale66774 or Dewey or other words that were part of the phone numbers.

I always thought that was cool.
David Cassidy
Jefferson Starship
Moody Blues
Fifth Dimension (Age of Aquarius)
Janis Joplin
Vietnam War
First landing on the Moon Apollo 11 - 1969
Mary Poppins
Sound of Music
Seeing Mickey Mantle at Yankee Stadium

and Yes I remember Green Stamps

And the Tuesday Movie of the Week where they actually made a new movie for TV each week and it was good?
Here is one I bet NO ONE remembers. I don't know the name of it but it was like a cross between a blueberry muffin and a pancake and it came in a box kind of like poptarts. I have never met ANYONE who remembers these things. It was probably early 70's or very late 60's.
Here is one I bet NO ONE remembers. I don't know the name of it but it was like a cross between a blueberry muffin and a pancake and it came in a box kind of like poptarts. I have never met ANYONE who remembers these things. It was probably early 70's or very late 60's.

YESSSSSSSSSSS! Toasties! It was later than that because I was born in the 80's and they were a staple in our freezer. I believe they were made by Howard Johnson (company), but whenever I try to find images on Google, that package is not the one I remember. But I LOVED them. And they also came in corn muffin flavor.