remember my post about my chanel getting messed up?

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latest obsession :
Nov 18, 2005
well today i tried a baby wipe on it. and it worked! i rubbed it for a little while with a bit of pressure and the gray edges are now WHITE!!!

it is like it was new!

i am soooo happy, that it was just dirt. how the hell did i get them so dirty? ?? i don't understand. NYC must be real disgustingly dirty...


baby wipes- miracles at work.
I'm so happy for you...when I read your previous post I had second thoughts on buying a Chanel...I agree N.Y. is disgustingly dirty...I remember when I used to live there and oh....just yuck! I went back last year to shop and I noticed it even more. However....take it or leave it...its a WONDERFUL city. The best shopping ever. Congrats on your bag remedy. Great news!
fayden said:
well today i tried a baby wipe on it. and it worked! i rubbed it for a little while with a bit of pressure and the gray edges are now WHITE!!!

it is like it was new!

i am soooo happy, that it was just dirt. how the hell did i get them so dirty? ?? i don't understand. NYC must be real disgustingly dirty...


baby wipes- miracles at work.

Awwwww. Baby wipes. They really are the thing you'd think least about until you use it on a stain. They really work.
I'm glad it's looking like new again, Fayden!! I guess if they're good enough to use on a baby's butt they're good enough to use on our precious bags ..... lol
Thanks for the update! I'll have to try that on my white chanel too! I went to the boutique, and the SA was nice, but she basically told me that I was SOL! I was so worried and upset! I will have to go to the store and try it asap!
fayden said:
well today i tried a baby wipe on it. and it worked! i rubbed it for a little while with a bit of pressure and the gray edges are now WHITE!!!

it is like it was new!

i am soooo happy, that it was just dirt. how the hell did i get them so dirty? ?? i don't understand. NYC must be real disgustingly dirty...


baby wipes- miracles at work.

Very happy for you! I'm sure that was a scary moment knowing your Chanel was possibly tarnished for life! I guess we all learn something new every day b/c I had no idea about the baby wipes trick! Thx for sharing!