I personally don't mind buying used LV bags from ebay, let-trade, etc...as long as they are authentic. I told a friend that I am waiting for a used LV bag from "HONG KONG" & immediately, she said, "My gosh, you bought your bag from HK???!?! Isn't that SCARY??" I told her that I am not scared because not everyone from HK sells fake bags. I also told her that people from this forum help me authenticate the bag & I have learned a lot of great tips on how to tell if a bag is fake or not. She stills said, "Well, how do you know if it's real when u are not buying it from a LV counter."
Does similar situation ever happen to you?? If so, how do you deal with it? I know as long as I know that the bag is real...but it just bugs me that I have to defense my LV bags all the time. What do you say to ppl who doesn't believe that your bag is real when u bought them from ebay,etc?
Does similar situation ever happen to you?? If so, how do you deal with it? I know as long as I know that the bag is real...but it just bugs me that I have to defense my LV bags all the time. What do you say to ppl who doesn't believe that your bag is real when u bought them from ebay,etc?