So there's this black Stella on ebay that I'm looking at, and I'm not sure if it's authentic yet (I asked the seller for more photos), but if it is and the price is right, I may consider buying it. The problem is that it's a bit of a mess. I don't know how people can treat their bags this way, but the bag is a bit worn and one of the zippers is broken.
Is it ever worth it to buy a bag like that and have it refurbished? I'm on a major budget, so if this bag is indeed authentic, it may be one of my only chances to buy a real Stella.
I would need to have the bag brought up to MJ boutiques do this? Does anyone in Maryland or the DC area know of place that will do this?
I'm still in the beginning stages of even looking at the listing, but I wanted to ask here first before I even bother wasting my time (if it's not worth it).
Thanks so much, guys!!
Oh, and here are the photos of the bag in question (so sad):
Is it ever worth it to buy a bag like that and have it refurbished? I'm on a major budget, so if this bag is indeed authentic, it may be one of my only chances to buy a real Stella.
I would need to have the bag brought up to MJ boutiques do this? Does anyone in Maryland or the DC area know of place that will do this?
I'm still in the beginning stages of even looking at the listing, but I wanted to ask here first before I even bother wasting my time (if it's not worth it).
Thanks so much, guys!!
Oh, and here are the photos of the bag in question (so sad):