Real Housewives of BEVERLY HILLS {RHoBH}

Carlton is so freaking annoying...

Whoa! How can Carlton be offended by Kyle mentioning the word "nipple?" She had naked women at her door to greet people for her Fourth of July Event/Celebration. Brandi siding with Kyle against Carlton? That is new. Brandi could have said something while Carlton was there to help neutralize the situation. I would love to hear her take on her actions. Andy needs a 30 minute Q&A with the viewers questions.

In general they have the oddest events. The water dancers? I don't even know what they were doing? Jax and Kevin in their underwear/swimming trunks?

Brandi seems irate Kyle and Lisa are getting along. She said it once, twice, three times enough! Who cares if they get along? Wouldn't you want girlfriends to be in harmony?

Brandi and Sheana(sp?) ... Awkward and catty.

Did anyone catch Kyle saying Brandi and JR met having sex in the bathroom?
Carlton is a nut. I really don't think Kyle was trying to insult her by the Jewish star comment. I'm catholic and look at certain crosses and wonder is that a cross for me or not. Carlton is just getting annoying