Ready to buy Chanel

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Jan 14, 2007
Hi all:

I love designer handbags and I am ready to buy my first chanel. I think I have an idea of which bag I want, but am unsure if even still available. The last time I visited my local Chanel boutique, this bag was not there.
I am looking for a black caviar Grand Shopping Tote with silver h/w. Is this bag still available for purchase at Chanel, Neimans, etc., or do I have to search the country?

Any suggestions would be great!:smile:

Last I heard, the silver HW tote was a limited run and was difficult to find. The gold HW being a regular production. Good luck and enjoy your addiction!
The silver hardware is going to be difficult to find, but an SA at Neiman's told me today that they were reordering both silver and gold hardware bags and that they should have them in February.