Question re: current class action suit in CA


A taste for the arts
Oct 7, 2006
Today I was going through an email account that I rarely use and I saw that I missed information on the current class action suit that's going on in CA. I don't want to miss out on getting 30% off but I can't recall getting any type of email certificate. I possibly could have deleted it without paying attention.

Has anyone else had experience with this situation? I sent an email to the address listed but I don't know how long they'll take to respond.

I deleted or didn't save the original one. Then I got a reminder and printed that out. I went to my FP boutique and my SA called the number and it worked. But I think my email had some type of #code though. I think the original came out in June or July. Is there some way you can get your isp to go back that far? Good luck!
I initially got 2 cards and 2 emails quite some time ago and my sweet SA said I could use both. I used one before Christmas and just used the 2nd. one saturday. I had an email recently, since the first of the year, saying that the offer was good until the 31st of May. So you should have plenty of time to get your info from JAX. Check back in all of your emails since the first of the year, probably in your delete file, and see what you come up with. You probably got a reminder too. Good luck and let us know what happens.
I received the original email, then I've never received anything after that.
I kept the email and hope I can use it for the discount, since that's what it says in the email.
I got a reply today inquiring as to what email address I used. They told me that they could process my email to them as a request to get the code resent and that they will resend it on friday.