Question about Rouge vif and Vermillion

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Sep 21, 2006
Hi Bbag girls,

Could someone with Rouge vif or Vermillion help me out here? I just purchased a red day around Xmas time. It is indeed a impulse buy since I just can't resiste the stunning red. I thought it was Rouge vif. But today I just took a look at the tag and found out it say 2007 1, which confuse me. My grenat says 2006 3 which should come the same season as Rouge vif. I was wondering is mine Vermillion instead? Just want to confirm the color.
If it's 2007, then most likely it's a vermillion since they're pretty close in color. I have a rouge vif but no vermillion so hopefully someone can help you out with this issue.

Or you can post your lovely Day on here and let us girls figure it out. :graucho:

Welcome to tPF and the "dark side"! :yahoo:
Here comes the picture. The actual color is more bright than showed in the pictures. But it is the best I can get.
Enjoy, girls.


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